
Types of Data Store

 ·   1 min read

Data, be it music, pictures or customer information needs to be stored in some sort of …store…a data store if you will! We’ve looked at types of physical storage in the Types of...

Types of Storage

 ·   1 min read

A really really simple guide to types of storage. Local Disk (HDD): A disc or number of discs called platters store data, in the from of “0”s and “1”s, and an arm with...

Linux vs Unix

 ·   1 min read

The words Linux and Unix are used interchangeably by many in technology but what’s the real difference between the two? These are 2 different types of operating system: Linux: is free and open...

Grid computing simply explained

 ·   1 min read

In a previous pose called Clustering simply explained we looked what a cluster was and clustering. Another word/technology that is thrown about and is similar but quite different is grid technology. So let’s have...

Vertical and horizontal scaling simply explained

 ·   1 min read

In this post we look at two terms throw about by systems architects and breakdown what they mean. Scaling vertically and scaling horizontally. Scaling Vertically Adding more resources to the existing server....